Why Choose Plants For A Silver Wedding Anniversary Gift?
Giving plants as gifts is one of our most popular requests here at Paramount Plants and ‘Silver Weddings’ are up there in the popularity stakes for special occasions where plants, shrubs and trees provide the perfect expression of love and friendship. After all, when people have been married for twenty five years, giving them a living gift that will continually give pleasure, is a fabulous option.
Here we’ve compiled a selected list of some of our favourites with a Silver Wedding theme firmly in mind. Choosing white flowering and silver foliage plants, specimen trees and spectacular flowering shrubs, we have made our selection with something for most budgets. There is always the option of getting a few friends to pool together, to buy a single impressive specimen tree…
White Flowering Azaleas
Azaleas are much loved for their beautiful prolific blooms which appear in early summer – these two varieties are a lovely white with attractive stamens – Azalea Daviesii and Azalea Mollis Whitethroat
Variegated Japanese Acer
This unusual Japanese Acer Palmatum Ukigumo is a rare specimen tree – the beautiful variegated foliage creates a shimmering silvery light from the tree. This is an actual size image of the tree which is relatively slow growing – a stunning specimen at almost 10 feet tall.
White Flowering Camellias
On the left of this image is Camellia Japonica Compacta Alba glossy evergreen leaves and crystal white flowers in Spring. On the right is Camellia Japonica Snowball this specimen is a beautiful Camellia three quarter standard tree, with a clear stem, bushy head and produces these beautiful pure white double centred flowers – a real showstopper…
White Flowering Hibiscus Shrubs
These exotic looking shrubs produce their flowers at the end of the summer, just when everything else is flagging – these stunners come into the limelight, with large trumpet shaped flowers that are a magnet for pollinators. Pure white (left) is the Hibiscus Syriacus Totus Albus whilst Hibiscus Syriacus Red Heart (right) has a blood-red centre.
Magnolias – White Flowers in Springtime
Magnolias to treasure – both of these varieties have the prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit – their ice white blossoms are amongst the very first blooms of the year in early Springtime. Left – Magnolia Wada’s Memory and on the Right – Magnolia X Loebneri Merrill

White Flowering Magnolias are Treasured Silver Wedding Gifts
Spectacular Flowering Rhododendrons
Adored by many, these amazing blooms appear in May – June, these beautiful varieties whilst not being pure white have a hint of other colours to give contrast. An evergreen shrub with glossy green leaves that will look great all year round. On the left is Rhododendron Cunninghams White and on the right of this image is Rhododendron Mrs T H Lowinsky, awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit
White Cornus or Dogwood Trees
Whilst not strictly flowers but bracts these trees produce a splendid display in May and June – they are simply blanketed in these flower-like bracts – although deciduous, Cornus leaves turn to bronze, red and gold in the autumn and many varieties have bright stems, giving winter colour too. These are particularly attractive Cornus varieties, left: Cornus Florida White Cloud and on the right: Cornus Kousa Szechuan Strawberry

White Dogwood Trees for Silver Wedding Presents. Cornus Florida White Cloud | Cornus Szechuan Strawberry
Left White Flowering Cercis Chinensis Shirobana – known as Chinese Redbud, bare branches are just covered like snow, with white blossom in early Springtime. Right – Davidii Involucrata is commonly known as the handkerchief tree, these incredible white bracts hang from the branches – another amazing tree that has been awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit.

Left: Cercis Chinensis Shirobana (Chinese Redbud) | Right: Handkerchief Tree or Davidii Invulucrata
Cornus Contraversa Variegata is more usually known as the Wedding Cake tree – with variegated silvery foliage it positively gleams when surrounded by darker foliage – and must be one of the most aptly named trees for a Silver Wedding Anniversary gift – read more about these fascinating trees on an earlier blog post here The Wedding Cake Tree

The Wedding Cake Tree shimmering beautifully against a backdrop of lush green
This is just a small selection of gift ideas to inspire you – please view our Plants As Gifts category for more ideas and if budget is an important factor we have organised our plants as ‘threshold spends’ to help you browse:
Plants from £0 – £100
We’re always here to advise you, if you’re unsure of which plant suits your requirements – contact our expert team:
Paramount Plants – The UK’s Online Specialists For Mature Trees, Shrubs & Plants. Buy Online – we deliver nationwide throughout the UK