
Tree Fern Care and Planting

2019-08-19T12:44:20+01:00By Paramount Plants|Plant Care Club|

Originating from Southeast Australia, Dicksonia Antarctica Tree Fern plants are now enhancing stylish gardens across the UK. Tree Ferns are remarkable plants, exotic-looking plants. Yet tree fern care is easy if you follow a few simple instructions. Dicksonia Antarctica Tree Ferns for sale at Paramount Plants The tree fern starts [...]

Prunus Lusitanica Portuguese Laurel Care

2023-10-29T10:58:15+00:00By Paramount Plants|Plant Care Club|

Portuguese Laurel Prunus Lusitanica is an elegant contemporary hedging plant with beautiful white flowers in summer and dark green foliage which you can clip to create a dense hedge. In the autumn, this evergreen shrub or tree produces attractive berries. The fruit offers both visual interest and serve as food [...]

Thuja Care

2019-08-07T09:00:27+01:00By Paramount Plants|Plant Care Club|

Thuja is a coniferous plant popular for hedging as it stays dense and bushy and can create a great habitat for birds. There are many varieties of Thuja, but the most popular cultivars belong to the Thuja Plicata (Western Red Cedar) and Thuja Occidentalis (Northern White Cedar) groups. Even with [...]

Best Ground Cover Plants for UK Gardens

2022-11-28T14:29:56+00:00By Paramount Plants|Garden Inspiration & Ideas|

Easy to grow and to care for, ground cover plants have many uses in the garden.   Muehlenbeckia Complexa, also known as Australian Ivy or Maidenhair Vine, is one of the most attractive ground cover plants.   Whether evergreen or deciduous,  low-growing plants can add colour and texture [...]

Best Plants for a Dry Garden

2019-02-12T06:31:38+00:00By Paramount Plants|Garden Design & Maintenance, Gardening Tips|

  What should you do if you want your dry garden to look stunning throughout the year? If you believe that the only solution is to water it daily and abundantly, or focus all of your energy on trying to (unsuccessfully) improve the conditions, you will be happy to hear [...]

Ilex Family: Holly Varieties and How to Grow Them

2023-10-24T11:37:06+01:00By Paramount Plants|Hedging|

Ilex or the Holly family of plants is familiar to most of us - perhaps most notably in winter when this iconic evergreen shrub with deep green, glossy leaves is covered in visually contrasting blood red berries. However there are so many holly varieties with all kinds of foliage colour. [...]

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