
Planting Fragrant Trees and Shrubs for a Year-Round Scented Garden

2023-04-12T15:59:48+01:00By Paramount Plants|Seasonal|

In addition to being striking additions to the landscape, fragrant trees and shrubs add a lovely scent to your garden. Drinking ice tea on the garden patio while Jasmin is in full bloom makes summer nights truly magical, and a whiff of perfumed Clematis in the full swing of autumn [...]

Choosing the Best Willow Trees for UK Gardens: Expert Tips on Care

2024-02-12T17:40:34+00:00By Paramount Plants|Trees|

Willows form the numerous and diverse genus Salix, which consists of over 400 species of deciduous shrubs and trees. The best Willow tree varieties come in many shapes and forms, from tiny creeping alpine willows through to stunning weeping willow trees. While their looks and origin might vary, most willows [...]

Pleached Tree Care and How To Plant Pleached Trees

2023-10-23T15:53:56+01:00By Paramount Plants|Plant Care Club|

Pleached trees are an elegant and simple way of creating a formal looking hedge above the fence line without taking up too much space. Pleached trees are trees which have been specially trained across a framework.  They create an effective and attractive contemporary screen as they are slimmer than normal free forming [...]

Planting Tips – our guide to planting and care.

2019-08-12T15:29:06+01:00By Paramount Plants|Plant Care Club|

REMEMBER THESE IMPORTANT PLANTING TIPS – REGULARLY FEED, WEED, PRUNE AND WATER YOUR PLANTS . With plants you need to be consistent – pick a day each week when you inspect your plants, weed the beds, feed the plants and water them (normally when you mow your lawn each week). [...]

Tree Fern Care and Planting

2019-08-19T12:44:20+01:00By Paramount Plants|Plant Care Club|

Originating from Southeast Australia, Dicksonia Antarctica Tree Fern plants are now enhancing stylish gardens across the UK. Tree Ferns are remarkable plants, exotic-looking plants. Yet tree fern care is easy if you follow a few simple instructions. Dicksonia Antarctica Tree Ferns for sale at Paramount Plants The tree fern starts [...]

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