
Tree Pruning – How, Why and When to Pollard

2019-08-08T13:57:13+01:00By Paramount Plants|Trees|

There are many different types of tree pruning techniques. We’ve discussed Pleaching or espalliered trees and topiary in earlier blog posts – these are mainly used for ornamental purposes. Today, with the help of  Tree Surgeons, we look at the management of larger trees – how to make sure your [...]

Japanese Acers, hardy ornamental trees

2019-08-08T13:57:36+01:00By Paramount Plants|Japanese Acers|

Acers or Japanese Maples have long been a very popular choice as ornamental trees, acting as a focal point in many UK gardens. With their large, beautifully shaped serrated leaves, tendency to develop notable architectural forms when mature and dramatically colourful seasonal leaf change, it’s easy to see why. At [...]

Mature Camellia Japonica – 4 meters high, 25 years old

2019-08-08T14:00:06+01:00By Paramount Plants|Ornamental Trees|

NOTE – THIS POST WAS UPDATED Summer 2016! This specimen has now been sold, however, we do have five different sizes of Dr Burnside in stock, including a magnificent three quarter standard tree – It is not an everyday occurrence that we can offer our customers a 25 year old mature [...]

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