
The Rhododendron Collection at Paramount Plants

2023-10-25T13:59:07+01:00By Paramount Plants|Flowering Plants|

  Rhododendron Trees in flower in spring in a woodland-style garden Happily populating the UK landscape, Rhododendrons can be seen everywhere. Spot them planted in large Rhododendron beds in country houses showing off a wide display of colours; or lining both sides of an avenue or driveway. And [...]

Planting Camellias and Caring For Camellias

2020-05-13T14:32:06+01:00By Paramount Plants|Flowering Plants, Plant Care Club|

Camellias are beautiful Spring Flowering or sometimes winter flowering shrubs. Each spring they put on an incredible show of blooms.To some gardeners they seem quite rarified but they are not difficult shrubs to grow. Planting camellias is easy as long as you bear in mind they have certain needs if they are [...]

Topiary Pine Trees

2019-08-08T11:46:31+01:00By Paramount Plants|Topiary|

Topiary pine trees are grown in a wide range of styles from spirals to cloud trees. They can be single or multi-stemmed and have straight or bendy trunks. As pine trees are indeed quite bendy when young, they lend themselves well to the ancient Japanese art of Niwaki, the age-old [...]

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