
Philadelphus Mock Orange – which one to choose?

2022-12-13T17:27:40+00:00By Paramount Plants|Flowering Plants|

The genus Philadelphus is comprised of about 65 plants. The native habitat of Philadelphus Mock Orange stretches across North America, parts of Europe, Northern Asia, and Japan. The plant’s historic nostalgia has been forever written into the lore of the American West by the famous Lewis and Clark Expedition. The [...]

Plants For Coastal Gardens

2022-09-27T11:16:41+01:00By Paramount Plants|Garden Inspiration & Ideas|

Plants For Coastal Gardens Seaside and coastlines are often seen as synonymous with a windy and salt ridden climate where only the hardiest plant specimens can survive and the question is often posed to those of us working in the horticultural industry “What plants, shrubs and trees would be suitable? [...]

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