Yes – you can plant all through the summer!
Our plants are thoroughly enjoying the June sunshine & warmth and our garden centre is awash with an incredible array of colour, fragrance and vibrant new growth. We thought we would share a few highlights:

Acer Palmatum Trompenburg
This is the splendid Japanese Maple Acer Palmatum Trompenburg with its beautiful, delicate almost fern-like foliage, demonstrating that you don’t necessarily need flowers to make a colour impact. These particular specimens are the larger sized Acer Palmatum Trompenburg and are 2.5 metres high.

Ilex Crenata Cloud Trees
The Ilex Crenata Cloud Trees are looking luscious at this time of year with their light green almost yellow new growth that seems to shimmer in the sunshine.

Ceanothus Impressus
Just coming into flowering now are the lovely Ceanothus Impressus – in a nice busy shape.

Acer Shirasawanum Aureum flanked by a pair of topiary pom poms
How about this for a light green? This is Acer Shirasawanum Aureum, with its almost luminous light green foliage – shown off here wonderfully between two darker green topiary Pom Poms.

Acer Palmatum Pink Passion
And one of our newest additions Acer Palmatum Pink Passion – desired by practically everyone who see it.
Our Star of Tuscana yellow flowering Jasmin (Trachelospermum Jasminoides) are filling the air with their heavenly scent, something that always delights.
Visit us online or come to our North London garden centre – open 7 days per week.

Half Standard Rhaphiolepis Indica Springtime in bloom