Flowering Dogwood UK – from top left, Cornus Florida Clear Moon, Cornus Kousa Miss Satomi, Cornus Florida Rainbow and Cornus Kousa China Girl
It’s almost time for flowering dogwoods to burst into bloom and produce their showy bracts. Our Cornus Kousa and Cornus Florida stocks are replenished and we have available many of the best loved varieties! A few months back, we posted comprehensively about these beautiful, ornamental trees commonly known as flowering dogwoods. You can view our earlier post here.
The spectacular flowering dogwood trees have long lasting blooms (as it is in fact the brightly coloured bracts and not the flowers as such that are spectacular. This is also the reason why they are longer lasting.
Characteristics of these ornamental trees include an abundance of colour during the flowering season, long lasting colour due to the bracts, and lovely green foliage in the summer followed by vibrant purples and reds in autumn.
Flowering dogwood trees are not large trees –in fact some varieties such as Cornus Florida Cloud Nine will not reach more than 3 metres in height – this is good news for those of us with smaller gardens or a smaller space to fill.
Best suited to the UK climate are the cultivars Chinese Flowering Dogwood (Cornus Kousa) and American Flowering Dogwood (Cornus Florida).
Variegated cultivars include Cornus Controversa Variegate (known as the Wedding Cake Tree) and Cornus Kousa Samaritan.
Cornus Florida Cultivars
Cornus Florida Cultivars in stock include red flowering Cornus Florida Cherokee Chief, white flowering Cornus Florida Rainbow. Also showy white Cornus Florida Clear Moon, Cornus Florida F Rubra and Cornus Florida Sunset, both with pink bracts.
Cornus Kousa Cultivars
Later blooming Chinese flowering dogwoods include white Cornus Kousa China Girl, Cornus Kousa Milky Way, Cornus Kousa Szechuan Strawberry, Cornus Kousa Schmetterling and Cornus Kousa Miss Satomi.

Flowering Dogwood UK – white flowering dogwoods