
Our Hedging section has lots of really useful information on all types of hedging plants including evergreen hedging, deciduous hedging, fast growing hedging lots more. For example Which is the fast-growing conifer hedging? Which is the best for wildlife?

Ilex Family: Holly Varieties and How to Grow Them

Ilex or the Holly family of plants is familiar to most of us - perhaps most notably in winter when this iconic evergreen shrub with deep green, glossy leaves is covered in visually contrasting blood red berries. However there are so many holly varieties with all kinds of foliage colour. [...]

2023-10-24T11:37:06+01:00By Paramount Plants|Hedging|

Euonymus: Spindle Tree Varieties and How to Use Them

Euonymus, which is more commonly known as Spindle or Spindle Tree, is a large family of dwarf shrubs, small trees, and creepers which can be deciduous or evergreen. There are 175 species in this family, all of whom are treasured for their attractive foliage, and, in some cases, interesting fruit [...]

2022-12-13T11:14:07+00:00By Paramount Plants|Hedging|

Amazing Yew Hedging Rootball Offers – Buy 10 root balled, save £££s

It’s Yew Hedging Root ball season once again! This is the time of the year when plant growth is dormant and we can sell plants direct from the ground as a root ball without having to pot them up, meaning even more value for money for you. Buy 10x 1 [...]

2020-04-15T12:20:10+01:00By Paramount Plants|Hedging|

Fast Growing Hedges – which plant to choose for instant hedges?

  Griselinia Hedging - a rapid grower for coastal areas   Mature Plants means Instant Hedges If you are looking for a fast growing hedges, our advice is to buy the most mature specimens of fast growing hedging plants that your budget allows. This is the fastest and [...]

2021-05-13T16:39:38+01:00By Paramount Plants|Hedging|
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