Clusters of blue flowering Agapanthus in Poole
Its Agapanthus time and they are looking especially glorious this year. From city to coast, you can spot Agapanthus (or Nile Lily) throughout the country, whether white or blue, planted alone or together in clusters, equally happy in pots, on patios or in the ground.
With their extended heads of blue or white flowers on long elegant green stalks emerging from a clump of tropical green foliage, Agapanthus are truly eye-catching plants. The showy flowers are particularly long lasting (six to eight week in fact) and are adored by bees and other pollinators. Agapanthus prefer a full sun position – this insures the best flower performance.
Our top tip: Water is always important but make sure to water your Agapanthus really well immediately AFTER flowering has finished as well as this helps the plant prepare for flowering the following year. Feed well throughout the growing season.
Choose from four varieties of Agapanthus:
White flowering Agapanthus Africanus Albus and blue flowering Agapanthus Africanus Blue.
For a more compact shape Agapanthus Blue Storm or Agapanthus White Storm.

Agapanthus White Storm

Blue Agapanthus in a coastal setting

Blue and White Flowering Agapanthus