Give your Mum a marvellous surprise this Mother’s Day and a gift for life by choosing a present from our beautiful mature plants range. To help you choose, we have put together a selection of our all-time favourite Mothers Day Plants for Presents.

First 2 blooms on an early flowering Camellia emerging in early Spring
Camellias and Magnolias:
Most magnificent, stately and elegant Camellias and Magnolias are both just about to produce stunning showy flowers this spring. They also are wonderful shrubs throughout the year. Magnolias are just coming into bloom about now so the timing is ideal for mothers’ day. Camellias with their dazzling blooms (choose from many shades of whites, pinks or reds) and their lush evergreen foliage look attractive all year round.

Magnolia Tree in flower
Colourful Azaleas are always a popular choice. A space can always be found in the garden for attractive flowering climbers such as Clematis (for example Clematis Fukuzono), Wisteria (such as Wisteria Prolific), Ceanothus and Erica (Alpine Tree Heather). These all flower around early to late summer and are wonderful plants to buy at this time of the year. Mum can look forward to wonderfully colourful displays this summer!
See our blog features for more on Clematis and Wisteria…
More information and offers on Flowering Climbers….
If it’s a heavenly scent you are after, other popular fragrant plants include Jasmines such as the evergreen jasmin Trachelospermum Jasminoides. Consider also Honeysuckle (Lonicera Halliana) and Topiary Bay trees.

Mothers Day Plants for Presents – Evergreen Star Jasmin in flower
For more unusual selections check out Hibiscus, such as the lovely Hibiscus Syriacus Oiseau Bleu. More about our Hibiscus Syriacus collection on our blog…
Consider our heritage collection of Lilac Trees such as Syringa Vulgaris Madame Lemoine. You can read more about our Lilac Trees Collection on our blog…
Consider also Viburnum. Viburnum Tinus Gwenllian is covered with sprays of deep pink blossoms at this time of year. Read more on Viburnum on our blog…
Lilacs (or Syringa Vulgaris) are always a good choice, such as the lovely Syringa Vulgaris Madame Lemoine.
Cherry trees are putting on a fabulous display and our Japanese Acers are showing off with their fabulous new growth of lime green leaves. Particularly stunning is Acer Sango Kaku which has dark red stems contrasting with its lime green leaves and the beautiful unusually shaped Japanese Acer Palmatum Dissectum is really a fine specimen tree.

Cherry Plum Tree | Prunus Cerasifera Nigra

Japanese Acers | Acer Sangu Kako | Acer Palmatum Dissectum
Buy online and just leave your message at the checkout and we will send a free gift card with your message when delivering the plant.
Queries or Questions? Please contact a member of our team. Call us on 020 8367 8809 or drop us an email and we’ll get back to you soonest!

Mothers Day Plants for Presents – Wisteria in flower
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Paramount Plants – The UK’s Online Specialists For Mature Trees, Shrubs & Plants. Buy Online – we deliver nationwide throughout the UK