Our Full Range of Topiary Shrubs and Trees
Globes, Spirals, Cones, Domes and lots more
Topiary is the ancient art form of shaping mainly evergreen trees and shrubs into architecturally interesting shapes such as balls or globes, spirals, cones, domes etc. with the aim of enhancing the garden.
There are a range of different plant species which lend themselves very well to the classic art of topiary. These include for example holly oaks, bay trees, Ilex Crenata (or Japanese Holly), buxus (producing the famous buxus balls) and the much in demand cloud trees.
Traditionally, topiary was predominantly used in formal garden settings such as in elegant parterres in manor houses and stately homes as well as in Elizabethan knot gardens. Topiary was also much used in herb gardens and potagers.
At Paramount Plant nursery, we are topiary specialists. We have a stunning range of sculpted plants in all sizes for you to choose from – including topiary balls, topiary cloud trees (Ilex Crenata), spirals globes, full and half standard bays.
Paramount Plants is a member of the European Boxwood and Topiary Society
Once purchased, we can give you advice on maintaining your topiary plant. As these shrubs tend to be quite slow growing, once the plant is shaped, maintenance is relatively straight forward.
View our latest Blog post on which Topiary tree to choose and how to care for it and maintain its shape.