Azaleas & Rhododendrons
We have a fabulous selection of Azaleas and Rhododendrons. Vibrant colours, glossy green leaves and a preference for acidic soil make these shrubs a wonderful addition to gardens, especially a woodland setting or Japanese style garden designs.
Rhododendrons are surprisingly straight forward and accommodating plants to grow once a few basic conditions are met.They prefer acidic soil (which can be addressed by using an ericaceous compost), good drainage and moisture. Apart from this, Rhododendrons are low maintenance and do not need feeding or clipping and shaping. Being evergreen, they provide year round structure to the garden and when in full flower, few plants can match their splendour.
For more information please read our Rhododendron blog to help you choose which variety best suits your needs. Are you for example after a vigorous grower? Or perhaps a hardy hybrid for an exposed spot or a neat compact variety for a smaller urban garden? We have 25 varieties of Rhododendron to choose from including the award of garden merit Rhododendron Albert Schweitzer with its beautiful pale pink blooms and available in a lovely compact bushy shape and the vigorous Rhododendron Halfdan Lem. Our collection includes carefully selected Yakushimanum Hybrids. These are hardy rhododendrons with a compact shape and profuse showy flowers. Our Yak Hybrids include Rhododendron Golden Torch (another RHS AGM recipient) and yellow flowering Rhododendron Nancy Evans.
Azaleas provide an unbelievable display of colours around late spring, early summer. Our collection includes both deciduous azaleas and evergreen varieties. The evergreen Azaleas are commonly known as Japanese Azaleas. Their trumpet-shaped flowers come in a fabulous range of colours in early May and they will dazzle and delight with their range of shades of the most beautiful pinks, yellows, reds and purples.
Deciduous Azaleas tend to be a taller and are often fragrant. Natively grown on the edge of woodland, these beautiful shrubs are perfect for the border or under-planting.