Edgeworthia Chrysantha, also called Paper Bush Plant

Winter Flowering wonder Edgeworthia Chrysantha, also called Paper Bush Plant


A native of China, Edgeworthia Chrysantha is another winter flowering wonder. A rare and less well known shrub, Edgeworthia Chrysantha is flowering right now (mid-January) and has beautiful creamy-yellow flowers that look rather like small sun flowers. The flowers drape from the tips of the bare reddish brown stems.

It was introduced to the UK in the 1800s by a Mr Edgeworth. Although this deciduous shrub is of interest all year round in the garden due to its bark, its foliage and its new emerging buds, it is truly amazing to see such a bright, sunny and fragrant plant happily flowering in deep mid-winter.

Edgeworthia Chrysantha foliage when it emerges is a rich green with large tropical-effect leaves. Once the leaves drop in winter, the young buds are revealed adorning the bare reddish brown decorative bark. The bark has a parchment-like texture and in Asia, it is used to produce superior paper, hence its common name Paper Bush Plant. The large buds are themselves most attractive, resembling tassels with long fine hairs that are translucent. This is followed by beautiful fragrant creamy yellow flowers appearing in large clusters from January onwards. As with many winter flowering plants, the Edgeworthia Chrysantha winter blooms are heavily scented to provide that extra little incentive to whatever pollinators are brave enough to venture out in the cold winter months.

Paper Bush Edgeworthia Chrysantha Plant – its pretty flowers and buds offset against the decorative, cinnamon coloured bark

Paper Bush Edgeworthia Chrysantha Plant – its pretty flowers and buds offset against the decorative, cinnamon coloured bark


Left to its own devices, Edgeworthia Chrysantha forms an attractive, rounded umbrella shape. It grows to about 1.5 metres high and wide. In terms of aspect, the consensus is that this paper bush plant prefers a sheltered position, not exposed to wind and colder spots, either in sun or partial shade. Plant in rich but well drained soil.

Our Edgeworthia Chrysantha shrubs are circa 1 metre tall and have a lovely bushy shape – available now to buy online!

Paper Bush Edgeworthia Chrysantha – available now to buy online!

Paper Bush Edgeworthia Chrysantha – available now to buy online!